Thursday, August 20, 2009

Teacher Preperation

Today was the first day of the start of the rest of my life. Not really but I am now that much closer to reaching my goal! My student teaching experience started today. I will be teaching in a second grade classroom at Highland Park Elementary. Today I arrived at 8:30 for a teacher meeting and schedule planning. The teachers and staff are so nice and really glad to have all the student teachers in the class. I think there are 6 of us starting our student teaching next week. It is nice to know there are other people in the school who are going through the same thing as me.
In fact there is actually another student teacher in the same classroom as me. She will be in the class Wednesday and Thursday. She is going through the program at the U and I am glad that I am doing this program. Not two semesters worth! She is a really nice girl who lives in Ogden. She is married and has a little boy. We got to know each other while we were sorting a 250 page workbook for 28 studnets! We also made labels for lockers and place cards for the students desk.
Lots of prep work to be ready for the first day of school.
Although there is lots of work involved it is fun to see what the students will be doing during the year! I am excited to have the students in the classroom. More to come! I will try and do this a few times a week at least to keep all informed on how the experience is going.
Thank you to all of you for supporting me through this time and just for being my friends!


Unknown said...

How exciting that this day has finally came. as you can see i added myself as a follower.
You are going to be a great student teacher Ms. Anne!!!

Take care and we will chat soon!

deni said...

Dear Annie, I am really proud of you and can't wait to hear how everything is going. Congratulations on having the tenacity to follow through with your goal.